Every time a challenge comes up, stop and ask yourself, “Why is this being shown to me?” “How can I navigate this with grace?” “How can I have compassion for myself and anyone else involved?” - Master Your Magic If, like me, you are a lightworker, then you probably know that you are here to anchor in higher frequencies on the planet, and that means not getting stuck in 3D mode. But that presents a challenge because we were born into 3D, programmed into 3D and we're pretty damn good at it! So there are a few things I want to share about living in 3D but aiming for 5D. Today, I want to focus on some of the comparisons between 3D and 5D, that can create a challenge when you are, as I mentioned, aiming for 5D while living in 3D. Lightworker Life ComparisonsThese are just a few of the differences between the way we have been programmed to move in the world and the way we might experience life in a 5D culture. In fact, there's an important one I left out. It's the tendency to live from our heads, overthinking and analyzing things to death, as opposed to dropping down into our hearts and approaching things from a feeling perspective. It's not that we shouldn't think. It's more that the way we have been conditioned to use our brains can leave us confused, stymied, paralyzed or disconnected from our hearts and bodies. We live in a self imposed mental prison. Instead of simply feeling our feelings we were always taught to analyze, interpret and make them linear. Instead of experiencing life at an energetic level we became unconscious slaves to our unfelt and unacknowledged emotions. - Kerry K The Lightworker Lifestyle: |
Hi, I'm JeanineI help highly sensitive, awakened healers come home to themselves & create emotional healing, comfort and joy through gentle self-tending techniques and warm, cozy rituals. Want to try one today? Just click the graphic below. Archives
January 2025