A citizenry too stressed out to pay attention is easily manipulated; a workforce too anxious to think is easily controlled; people who are in a hurry buy stuff. To me, there’s a record-scratch, everyone-at-the-party-stop-and-stare quality to the simple statement, “you are not behind.” -Lyndsey Medford You are not BehindThe words you are not behind were the title of an email I received on the day I wrote this post. And the quote was near the bottom of it, after the author talked about slowing down to heal an autoimmune disease, reorienting her life around caring for her newborn, and repeating that message to herself again and again, out loud and on sticky notes, until she got it. By the time I reached the end of the email, I was not only committed to telling myself the same thing, but I knew I also wanted to share this message with you. A Radical Call to Rest, |
Hi, I'm JeanineI help highly sensitive, awakened healers come home to themselves & create emotional healing, comfort and joy through gentle self-tending techniques and warm, cozy rituals. Want to try one today? Just click the graphic below. Archives
January 2025