There is a stressful situation I am not yet sure how to resolve. And meanwhile, I am trying to keep the faith that it will work out the way I want it to, and soon. I've been giving myself encouragement and comfort, but today, in the middle of a store, my mood crashed. And when my mood crashes, it's like Alice in Wonderland falling down the well! But I didn't want to stay there. And it occurred to me that it would help to have an on-the-spot emotional self-care plan for moments like that. Sweet Treats & Comfort FoodMy first thought was to cheer myself up with a glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut. And I did end up grabbing a sweet treat from the grocery store. But I knew I would need more than that, and something more powerful, too, for an ongoing plan. First & Most Important Step
What percentage of what I am feeling is actually mine? When I used the Sway test, I discovered that only 35% of what I was feeling actually originated with me! So if you are an empath, never forget to ask that question. And then clear away the negative energy that doesn't belong to you. Awfulizer ThoughtsIf negative thinking has contributed to your mood, talk back to yourself and tell yourself the truth. My thinking was along the lines of "this is never going to work out, it's always like this, why is my life this way?," etc. So you can gently and lovingly remind yourself of when your experiences were different and better. And ask yourself for awfulizers if there is anyway you can be 100% sure that the pronouncement you just made is true. Meditate with Crystals
Hi, I'm JeanineI help highly sensitive, awakened healers come home to themselves & create emotional healing, comfort and joy through gentle self-tending techniques and warm, cozy rituals. Want to try one today? Just click the graphic below. Archives
January 2025