Whether you believe you've been programmed by a society gone wrong, by a handful of people who run the world while no one's looking, by dark forces who created a simulated world that might feel free but is actually a prison, by a fallen angel in a desperate fight to win the universe or all of the above, you probably know you have limiting beliefs. And that finding your truth won't feel as easy as 1-2-3. Finding My TruthIt all started with money. And boy, what a long and winding road that was! I was trying to decide whether or not to order a $27 orange lipstick, plus two other amazing finds - a long orange robe that snaps closed and warm green, long nightshirt that together, cost over $50. I don't believe I've ever seen an orange robe before, and most green sleepwear I find is cool in coloring. I've been waiting to buy that lipstick again for about 6 years now - exactly how long I've been poor. But things are better now. Doesn't mean I can just throw money around, willy nilly, though. ;) Anyway, ultimately, I have decided to buy them. But first, I decided to go looking for the hidden rules, hidden feelings and hidden meaning around spending money, and then to try to disentangle all that baggage. Five or six pages later, I knew a lot more about the programming I've experienced in all areas of my life, and I came to understand just how complicated most simple decisions actually are. Why does the lipstick matter so much to me, I wondered. And immediately, what I saw in my mind was my mother getting ready to go out for the evening. She and my father were both dressed up in very fancy clothes and the last thing my mother did before they left, was put on her lipstick. She dressed rather conservatively, in classic style, but when she put on lipstick, she put it on! Now, on to the robe and nightshirt... At this stage of my life, my loungewear is sleepwear. As long as I am covered, I don't mind answering the door in a robe. But do I really need to buy the robe in my favorite color, so I can wear that, instead of this grey mess I've been wearing for the past 2 years? Hmm. It often brings me tears, to think about my mother, because I miss her so much. But again, as I considered that question, I remembered her. Even when she had cancer, my son and I would go to her house, to find her fully dressed, in jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt and her favorite robe, for warmth. During at least one stint in the hospital, she wore that robe over their nightgown. As I was remembering her, I was writing down rules in my journal... When you're about to go somewhere and you want to look presentable, wear your best colors, a style that flatters you, and makeup. Too tired to bother with all that? At least put on lipstick. It's important to get dressed every day. Or at least look presentable. You never know who might show up at your door. Identity includes the colors you choose, the clothes and jewelry you wear, the way you decorate your home and what color and style everything is within it. If you've "made it," you are getting paid to do what you love, you can afford to buy whatever you want, you're living in a home you've decorated well, that has a view you love, you're driving the car you want and can easily afford to do the things that matter to you. By the time I was a few more pages in, I had discovered that (apparently) I don't really deserve good things, that life never quite works out and uncovered a double bind that encourages me to never give up because that's admirable and to always give up because nothing will ever work out. I'd also discovered that ascension and spirituality both have rules and standards, too, according to my beliefs, and I am probably not going to get an A in either one. Now, my favorite "rules" are ones I am not sure I will let go of because they feel so much like me. Aim for liking what you see in the mirror. It's your opinion that matters most. Wear the colors you love, even if you're just hanging out at home, because they make you happy. By the time I got to page six, I was very eager to break up with some of these rules! Especially the painful ones. But I might hang onto the ones above. Now, let's look at how you can begin finding your truth... 3 Ways to Find Your TruthCome along on this journey with me. We won't have all the answers in place by the end of the post, but once you step onto the path, it will only go forward into opening up more truth. Make a cup of tea and then, grab your journal, in case you want to write everything down and get back to it later. Here are the three steps we'll take together... (1) Question Everything (2) Listen for What Your Heart Thinks (3) Tell Yourself the Truth (1) Question EverythingIt's Time to Uncover the Hidden Rules You May not Know You're Following Now for this one, you don't need the extravaganza my exploration turned into the other day. Just begin with any area of your life where you think something funky might be going on! If you've tried to make changes unsuccessfully, or feel yourself gravitating again toward choices that concern you, start looking for the hidden rules you might be following. What did you learn as you were growing up, that might be running the show? Jot down all the rules or limiting beliefs that come to mind as you explore this area of your life. Keep going until you feel you've uncovered everything connected to that part of your life. As you're doing this, you're actually asking yourself two powerful questions without even realizing it: 'Is this really true?' and 'Do I actually want this rule or belief guiding my life? (2) The Heart Alchemy Process: Connect to Your Heart's WisdomGet Quiet and Still and Drop Your Energy and Focus Down into Your Heart Imagine a warm, glowing light softly touching the top of your head, before it begins to travel gently from your head to your throat and then down into your heart. Once it's there, notice it getting brighter and warmer. Feel it open you up to the love you have inside you and to the love that's all around you. Pause in this moment until you begin to feel it, then ask that love to expand and deepen. Know that you can trust your heart and the divine, to connect you to your truth. To the truth of who you are, to the wisdom that you already know, and to your own clear path forward. When you're ready, one by one, begin to offer your heart the questions, stories, rules and feelings you've unearthed. Your heart and your inner light, will know how to sort and heal and resolve them. Don't push for words. And ask your heart to show you the light on your forehead if you mistakenly abandon it and travel north back to your mind for its conditioned wisdom. If that happens, bring the light back down to your heart and stay there with it. Sit quietly, and watch or feel your heart do its work, until it signals you that it's finished for now. You can then begin returning your energy to the room you're in and reconnect to its sights and sounds. Give yourself a gentle stretch or two, not just to return more fully, but also to embody the magic and healing you've just experienced. You can return to the heart alchemy process again and again, whenever you need it. (3) Tell Yourself the TruthWith Love, Warmth, Laughter & Gentleness, Start Telling Yourself the Truth You may now feel that some things are resolved. But unfortunately, your programmed mind, and whatever or whoever else might be trying to hold you back, will offer you plenty of chances to return to the conditioning, the hidden rules and the old stories you uncovered. When it does, or they do, shower yourself with love. And tell yourself the truth. For example, my heart reminded me, after the heart alchemy process was over, that I absolutely deserve happiness, but that I'm in choppy waters if I am wanting to buy it. So I reminded myself of other ways I have exchanged a negative feeling for a positive one without spending money. And I no longer feel so emotionally attached to either of those spending choices, so it's easy to think more clearly about them. YOU DID IT! How Did it Go?Even if your world didn't completely set itself to rights (mine, either), notice if you feel clearer, or lighter. Or more empowered. Did you find your truth? Or some, if not all of it, yet? Know that you're on the path now, and from here, it can only get better. Love you! Jeanine
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Hi, I'm JeanineI help highly sensitive, awakened healers come home to themselves & create emotional healing, comfort and joy through gentle self-tending techniques and warm, cozy rituals. Want to try one today? Just click the graphic below. Archives
January 2025