Letting Go of Your StoryConsider this point of view. Try it on for size... No matter how messy the middle of your journey is, it's still just a simulated story on a stage, in a false matrix, 3D universe. The real you is limitless power and potential, boundless love, timeless wisdom, an infinite being living a hero's journey, here to do a superhero's job. On this journey, you beam your light as a beacon for others, brighter and brighter, with higher frequencies, as you expand, grow and reclaim the truth of who you are. That's the real story and I'm sticking to it! ;) Want help connecting to the real you that I referenced above? Read this post. Questions for Reflection(1) Are you still stuck on that stage, following a script you don't want? (2) Are you able to visualize your mission? (3) Have you consciously chosen it? Superhero ReminderWe're all here, pretending to be Clark Kent, when actually we're Superman. Or Wonder Woman. How might that knowledge free or empower you? So oftentimes it happens that we live our lives in chains. And we never even know we have the key. - The Eagles Be Patient with YourselfA note about letting go of the old stories: it's easier said than done. Those stories might not ultimately matter, but they are still powerful. Set an intention to let them go, and then be patient with yourself. Over time, you'll encounter & dismiss the false self's story and reclaim the real self's truth, again and again, and those stories will gradually lose the power to hold you back. Where are you on the hero's journey?
See you tomorrow! love, Jeanine
4/4/2024 05:14:40 am
This is a great reminder that comes at the perfect time. I really wish my story was different, but actually there's no story, just the one I keep creating in my head over and over again.
4/4/2024 10:44:46 am
Girl, yes! I feel the same way. But like you said in your post, we're on a journey, and I trust that ultimately, it has a happy ending.
4/4/2024 10:29:02 am
Thought provoking questions. It good to take the time to stop and think about these things. Something to contemplate.
4/4/2024 10:46:37 am
Hi, Alice! Thank you. I so agree, because just thinking about them will often break the spell, and the illusion will dissolve.
4/4/2024 10:43:10 am
The Hero's Journey, where I our two blogs intersect!
4/4/2024 10:49:22 am
Oh how interesting, Timothy! That could mean that playing D&D is like practice. I've never thought of games that way, but I imagine that could be true for video games as well, depending on the stories you choose.
4/4/2024 08:18:08 pm
Jeanine, you are bravely making a large point that will disturb some and help others feel at home. I'm right at home! Blessings to you--
4/11/2024 07:23:01 pm
I kind of go back and forth with the whole thing. Sometime I feel stuck and other times I know I am in control of it all. It depends on what is going on in my life.
4/11/2024 11:15:42 pm
Back and forth? Absolutely! A hearty "me, too" to that one. But as an observer, Brenda, I can say that you are in it full on, so no matter how you feel, you're doing it. I think what you're describing is all part of that journey. And we're all right there with you!
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January 2025