What lightworker role have you been playing and has it shifted? I'm not talking here, about my quiz. I have a divine archetype quiz that helps you identify an inner goddess archetype that feels most comfortable to you, and that you find yourself operating from as a healer and lightworker. But these lightworker roles are more about the way we support each other. As Kerry K says, it's about the way we walk each other home. Five months ago, she described the roles and suggested we identify which one we have been experiencing. And then, basically watch to see what happens because she was predicting that your role might shift. And now, five months later, I've just watched it again and I think my role is shifting. Watch the Lightworker Role VideoSee if you can identify your lightworker role. If you're short on time, start watching about ten minutes in... Did You Identify Your Lightworker Role & Has it Changed?I think that my role is shifting from frontrunner to anchor. Well, actually, I was first in the unconscious role and I think I dedicated a few decades to that one. If I could add an emoji to that declaration, it would be the upside down smiley face. But about a year ago or so, I slipped into the frontrunner role with no awareness that such a thing existed. I basically devoted about 70-80% of my time to healing ancestral, inner child, emotional, spiritual and relationship issues. And every time, my intention was to share/send that healing backwards, forwards, sideways, to the lightworker collective and out into the universe. Brenda Fluharty, a master healer, writer and friend, was my partner in crime for quite a few of these missions, and it was wonderful to have her support and give her mine. You might remember my posting in my previous blog that we created a process that we used almost every time we were on the phone, healing together. Well, my healing efforts paid off and things began to change, thank goodness. Although I don't think I left any stone unturned, some things are still a work in progress. But in doing that work, I often felt connected to the big energetic circle of lightworkers everywhere. And I believe that that work is the essence of the frontrunner role. But now, I believe I might be shifting into the anchor role. In the past, she describes the anchor role as one that was grounded, that anchored light into the earth and offered grounded, peaceful support to other lightworkers, in an energetic sense. These people wonder what everyone is so upset about. And it seems easier for them to trust that everything is going to be alright, both in their own lives and in a global sense. Whew! That was definitely not me. It was my goal, and there were moments when it felt like I landed there, for a while. But I didn't live there. I have depression and anxiety. And sometimes, it feels like they really have me. Especially the anxiety. If I were to give them mantras (in my life) that were silent, but keenly felt, they would be "it's never going to work because nothing ever really does. I should just give up" and "oh my god, oh my god, I have to fix this right now!!" So I still don't live there. But when I am at my best, I do have this root chakra experience that feels grounded and trusting. Not only do I feel it physically, but I can sort of visualize it, hear it in my thoughts, feel it in my heart, etc. And I am beginning to know that that's where I'm headed. And in the video, she says that the anchors will begin to discover previously untapped spiritual gifts, maybe in their voices, or in their hands. And they may have access to more wisdom than they have before. So I'm looking forward to seeing what that will be like, too. Depression and Anxiety
Hi, I'm JeanineI help highly sensitive, awakened healers come home to themselves & create emotional healing, comfort and joy through gentle self-tending techniques and warm, cozy rituals. Want to try one today? Just click the graphic below. Archives
January 2025