Day Seven: Higher Self MeditationTo begin to relax, breathe slowly and deeply. Let’s breathe 3 big breaths, with each breath making you more and more relaxed. (1) inhale as fully as you can, expanding your lungs and belly…..hold it for a moment and exhale. (2) inhale, feeling relaxing sensations filling your body….hold it. And exhale. (3) inhaling as much as you can, and hold it for a moment, before releasing it. Continue to breathe deeply and slowly, and observe whatever you are experiencing right now… Now begin to sense a presence with you, that is pure and beautiful. It is the kindest, most loving and most intelligent presence you’ve ever felt… This presence is your divinity. It is your goddess self… Notice the qualities of this divine self. What is it like? Allow for a moment of stillness now… Your goddess self has been waiting a long time for you to come to this moment where you can meet and connect. What form is your goddess self taking on in this moment? What does this divine self look like? Notice every detail and quality about this goddess version of you that you can, and especially notice the way it feels to be with her. Perhaps the first bit of information she shares will be about you, in your human form, giving you insight about something you need to know. Open your heart completely now to anything you need to learn about this current human incarnation you are experiencing. And listen. Listen with an open mind, allowing any information that presents itself. You may hear messages in the form of words, or you may just have a feeling, and whatever you experience is perfectly fine. Know that you are totally safe. And remember that this goddess self is you. So ask this all-knowing higher version of yourself whatever you need to, or anything that comes to mind. You might ask how to carry out your soul's purpose. Or you might ask how to stay in a higher frequency. Ask whatever comes to mind and listen closely. Notice as you listen and connect, that your energy and frequency is beginning to merge with your divine self. When you feel complete with this conversation, allow two things to happen. Let your goddess self give you downloads without words that you will be able to unpack over time... And when that process feels complete, allow your divine self to merge with you completely. Feel the energy both around and within you. Notice what this energy signature feels like, this real you as a now permanent part of your presence. Stay in this moment, breathing in your own divinity, until you feel complete with this experience. Now let's come back to full awareness of the room you're in, but take your time. (1) Coming back but still feeling connected (2) Feeling more aware of your environment (3) Feeling strong and solid and real and present (4) Almost there (5) Feeling complete and whole If you'd like, grab your journal and write about the experience.
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January 2025