This is such a grand act of self-love you're undertaking, and I believe you can't even begin to know, right here at the beginning, what a revolutionary choice it will turn out to be.
One reason this process of transformation, which I think of as wintering or hermit-ing, is wrapped up in a great big cozy bow, is because there is so much pressure in the air we breathe to go and do and rush and hurry.
What an act of resistance it is to choose to slow down and take tender care of yourself. Let's make it ever so much more joyful by steeping it in coziness.
But bare bones, what we're talking about, is carving out time to take care of yourself emotionally. Creating time each day for emotional healing. And equally, it will be time to connect with the truth and the essence of who you are.
These simple daily choices you make, this time of retreat, will raise your frequency, help you heal, and make it easier to connect both to your light and to your joy.
Here's What You'll Be Doing
(1) Creating a daily cozy morning ritual & evening ritual (see checklists)
(2) Reading the self-tending mini book (see eBook)
(3) Journaling, using the blank journal and journaling process (see eBook, journal & video)
(4) Getting into stillness, meditating & grounding yourself (see eBook)
(5) Connecting to nature when you can & visualizing it at other times
(6) Drinking cups of tea (etc), lighting yummy-smelling candles, curling up in your comfy chair with blankets or throws, taking naps & any other deliciously cozy things you can think of to do.
(7) I'll be in touch once a week for the next 4 weeks, to check in on you. I'll also offer inspirational quotes and suggestions of things that might help, like crystals, essential oil blends and soothing techniques. Reach out if you need anything, by hitting reply.