The Path to Becoming the Highest Frequency Version of Yourself
I called this page "start here," because this is a detailed explanation of the work I do, or what I'm about, here on this website.
And if you're still reading, I know that means that you're a healer and lightworker who probably knows you came here to be of service during the great shift that is already underway. And you are being of service, without even trying.
You're holding light and frequency for the planet, and emanating healing light codes as you breathe. Some would say that you also are meeting with the rest of us (the collective), on occasion, while your body sleeps.
So if we are already doing what we came here to do, is there more we need to do? I would say that it's more about who we are being. Watch my video to hear more about what I mean.
As Your Spirit Team Tends to You...
Each of us has a spirit team looking after us with love, and helping us to dislodge density and hold ever-higher frequencies. Which means walking away from the stories lived out by the 3D character we took on to survive childhood and conquer the world as humans.
So the guide below is really about how we can support that work in our everyday lives. How we can nurture our continued spiritual growth and development so that we become all that we came here to be.
Daily Connection with Your Infinite Self
This is the foundation for everything you have come here to be and to do, because this is about connection to the truth of who you are. It’s building a loving, trusting relationship with your higher self in all of its dimensions and frequencies.
Devoting yourself to this daily connection will change your life in all the best ways and empower everything you came here to do. But it’s more than a morning or evening routine.
It’s also those moments that you pause for a brief connection to restore your spirit, or for emotional self-care. For grounding yourself again in your own truth.
Whether it's a quiet moment with your morning coffee, a walk in nature, or simply a few deep breaths in the midst of a busy day, these small acts are potent reminders of your essence. They serve as gentle nudges, guiding you back to your core, where clarity and peace reside. This ongoing relationship with yourself nurtures resilience and fosters a profound sense of inner peace. It allows you to navigate life’s challenges with grace and confidence, as you become more attuned to your own needs and desires.
Embrace these moments as sacred. And cultivate a life that is not only enriched and purposeful but also a true reflection of who you are.
Finding & Honoring Your Own Rhythm
This is your commitment to slow down and to find the rhythm that works for you.
It’s about letting go of the hustle, of pushing yourself into exhaustion, of refusing to listen to your body, or your heart. It’s about noticing and surrendering to what empowers you most.
When are you happiest and why? At what moment does your day or week start to flow smoothly and how can you make that happen even more?
What do you do regularly, that feels natural but always seems to fall short of how you thought it would feel? Does it point to a way in which you might be unaware of your rhythm?
Then you allow what you've discovered to become the rhythm by which you live your everyday life. And that is how your life becomes beautiful.
This is the way you live your best life.
Embrace the moments of stillness and reflection, for they hold the keys to understanding yourself more deeply. Prioritize what truly matters to you and let go of the noise that distracts from your true path. As you begin living in harmony with your newfound rhythm, celebrate the small victories and learn from the challenges, knowing they are part of your unique journey.
Emotional Self-Care with Comfy, Cozy Rituals
This includes tender self-tending in all the ways you know will work for you. And the foundation for self-care and healing is a commitment to self-love, empowered by authentic connection with your higher-frequency, multidimensional self.
Committing to your journey and staying with it requires patience and gentle nurturing of your inner world.
Begin by setting aside time each day for reflection and mindfulness, allowing yourself to tune into your true essence. This might involve meditation, journaling, healing techniques or simply sitting quietly in nature, letting your thoughts and feelings flow without judgment.
It's important to remember that self-care is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Explore different practices and discover what resonates with you personally.
Consider creating a personal sanctuary—a space where you feel safe and can retreat to recharge.
Fill it with items that inspire tranquility and joy, such as soothing music, fragrant candles, or cherished mementos. This sacred space will become a haven where you can reconnect with your innermost self.
Be gentle with yourself. Healing and self-discovery are ongoing processes that evolve over time. Approach it all with an open heart and a willingness to grow, and you’ll find that your life changes in beautiful way
Letting Go of Judgment & Leaning into Self-Acceptance
One of the reasons we avoid our shadow selves is fear of experiencing the judgment & rejection we think we deserve, from ourselves and others. But that avoidance doesn’t really protect us.
Instead, this is about facing yourself fully and surrendering the thoughts, feelings, habits and patterns you don’t like to your divine self.
Give those thoughts (etc.) your acceptance, your love and compassion, and your forgiveness, and allow your divine self to dissolve the emotional charge around them.
When you can let go of that charge, you can release the shadow self behavior or pattern itself.
Allowing yourself to be vulnerable becomes a strength rather than a weakness. By acknowledging the shadow self, you create a deeper connection with yourself and become more compassionate towards the imperfections of those around us. This creates a ripple effect, fostering a sense of understanding and unity in our communities. It is a courageous act of self-love that paves the way for the beautiful life you deserve, where you no longer need to hide parts of yourself, can accept the entirety of who you are, and can more easily believe that you’re worthy of joy and delight.
Steeping Yourself in Joy and Delight
Preparing a path for a more joyful life requires giving careful consideration to what you really want and imagining it with the feelings you know you’ll have when you get it. What lights you up? It’s about building a lifestyle around the experiences that delight you. You have the power to create your own world but that power lives in your heart, which owns the building blocks to the reality you want to create. In your current 3D world, filling your life with joy and delight is about creating an everyday lifestyle that you know will delight you and bring you joy right now, even before we shift into the new reality.
Now that you've had a chance to look at the path to creating your own slow care ascension lifestyle, would you like to take your show on the road with a 10-day slow care challenge?
You can D.I.Y it, using the page below, or sign up for free and I'll drop into your inbox for a quick hello each day, with resources that match each day's challenge. Here's what your experience will be...
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Whether you decide to try the challenge or not, I hope you are leaving with the awareness of how much you are loved and guided, and how well we are all being looked after by our spirit teams.