Let's start with some questions and reflections. Invite you to watch the video & then, share your thoughts in the group...
Planning for the End of the Year
If it has been a while since you created a vision board, try one now with the end of the year in mind. What would you like to experience, in general, and particularly, in terms of healthy eating or weight loss. Link: Vision Board Template & Page.
2 Mindfulness Practices to Try
Intentional Laziness
In moments of "intentional laziness" — that is, moments of carefree reverie and relaxation — we can have some of our best thoughts and insights. As a spiritual practice, find time in your schedule to do nothing productive. Make the intention that you will spend a half hour just sitting, watching the world pass by, observing the changes in the sky, listening to sounds. You may find it hard not to think about important matters, but when you do, bring your attention back to the simple things going on around you. Do this exercise to acknowledge your need to be still, open, and accepting of whatever spiritual movements pass through you. — Tom Cowan in The Way of the Saints
Free Intuitive Writing
Free intuitive writing puts you in touch with the present, often on a very deep level. To try it, open a notebook or journal to a blank page; relax and clear your mind. Then write or draw whatever comes to you, even it doesn't seem to make any sense. Some people find that writing very fast, using their nondominant hand, or writing without looking at the page releases this kind of spontaneous thought. — Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat in Spiritual Rx: Prescriptions for a Meaningful Life
When I was a therapist working in an outpatient addictions center, I used to tell my clients that they couldn't expect themselves to give up whatever they were using until they replaced it with something that worked as well in managing the stress or pain of whatever they were dealing with in their lives.
I think the same thing applies to making changes in what we eat. So here are some ideas for soothing the stress you experience...
Try them, and tell me which ones work well, and we'll do more of them. And coming in the next couple of weeks, more specific info I can't wait to share about self-care practices that can rewire your brain - which could change everything. We'll meet by Zoom and I'll tell you then.
Thanksgiving Tips
3 Self-Care Tips for Thanksgiving Week...
(1) Move at a slower pace & take breaks - it's tradition for the women to run themselves ragged cooking and baking and cleaning and doing all the things. Pause for 5-10 minutes whenever you can (in fact, plan ahead to do so) to give yourself time to replenish your energy & recover from stress, worry, etc.
(2) Take time for yourself in an even bigger way & delegate - let others help with the planning. And if you are a part-time caregiver, as many of us are or may be (for parents, grandkids, etc.) this is even more important so that you don't burn out. Schedule do-not-disturb moments and read a book, or watch TV or take a walk or something.
(3) Think ahead about how you are going to deal with stress - do some deep breathing, use some affirmations, stand up for yourself, meditate, or ask for help. Whatever you might encounter doesn't have to overwhelm you if you are confident about how you're going to handle it.
3 Healthy Eating Tips for Thanksgiving Week...
(1) Eat a little before any big meals - don't go hungry. Have a salad or some fruit, so that you know you have eaten something healthy, and so that you hopefully will be less hungry when the big meal happens.
(2) For each thing that looks good to you, put a small amount on your plate - I have been doing this for over 20 years and I now, am never stuffed on Thanksgiving. I start out with a plate that has a tiny or small serving of everything I want. Then I get seconds of whatever was really good! It works like a charm.
(3) With leftovers, plan meals that include foods you feel better about - so if you want more sweet potato pie, have it with leftover turkey and greens, but maybe skip the mashed potatoes.
This is if you feel concerned about what you might eat - I'm a fan of eating whatever you want for Thanksgiving, since usually, it's not your regular eating. But if you tend to eat more than you intended, or really want to make sure you include healthier options, these tips may help.